In a world filled with challenges—wars, sadness, and uncertainty—there is still hope. God’s message remains clear, and through the Rainbow Oath, we aim to shine light in the darkness. We invite you to experience the joy, love, and kindness that come from knowing God.
The Rainbow Oath project celebrates unity, peace, and God's promise to all creation. It is inclusive of all animals, humans, and nature, underlining the universal significance of God’s covenant.
"I promise to remember a rainbow is a sign from God to love animals, protect our Earth, and show kindness and love to all." - Rainbow Oath
The rainbow, created by God, is more than just a beautiful phenomenon; it is a divine promise to all creation. Rainbow Oath exists to foster faith, growth, and understanding, empowering communities to become beacons of hope.
The Rainbow Oath speaks to everyone—young, old, regardless of gender, race, or background. We are all part of God’s creation, and His promise, symbolized by the rainbow, is for everyone, without exception.
Our mission is to provide hope and encouragement to all by making it possible to see A Rainbow, Anywhere, Anytime!