Rainbow Oath

"I promise to remember a rainbow is a sign from God to love animals, protect our Earth, and show kindness and love to all."

Explore the Oath

Full Circle Rainbow


Embracing God's love through His everlasting promises.


Offering forgiveness and seeking reconciliation.


Promoting peace and harmony within the community.


Fostering unity and understanding among all.

Everlasting Promise

Did you know the rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant with all creation? Genesis 9:13 says,
"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."

Did you know a Rainbow is a circle and not an arc. This is a scientific fact however the Bible taught us this fact long ago.

Revelation 4:3 Presents a profound vision where a rainbow encircles the throne of God, offering a key insight into the true shape of a rainbow. Unlike the common perception of a rainbow as an arc, this verse highlights its full circular form, revealing the completeness and eternal nature of God's covenant. The description of the rainbow as a circle suggests that its beauty and meaning are all-encompassing, symbolizing God's infinite presence and sovereignty. While we typically only see a partial arc from the ground, the biblical account aligns with the scientific reality that a rainbow, in its entirety, is indeed a circle—especially when viewed from above. Thus, Revelation 4:3 not only symbolizes divine glory but also provides a glimpse into the true, full form of the rainbow, reinforcing the idea of God’s eternal and unbroken covenant with creation.

Join us in rediscovering the power of this promise.

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